An International Movement by Youth for Youth for Agricultural Development

YPARD is an international movement by Young Professionals for Young Professionals for Agricultural Development. YPARD operates as a network; it is not a formalized institution.

At the heart of YPARD as a movement are its members, who are encouraged to become active in their area, spread the news about YPARD to other young professionals, encourage a stronger voice of youth in their own organizations and share their views and ideas with other young professionals in the network.

This global on-line and off-line communication and discussion platform is meant to enable YPs all over the world to realize their full potential and contribute towards innovative agricultural development.


Sustainably improved livelihoods worldwide where young professionals are proactively contributing to innovative agricultural development.


To serve as a global collective platform through which young professionals can realise their full potential and contribute proactively towards innovative agricultural development.


  • Facilitate exchange of information and knowledge among young professionals across disciplines, professions, age and regions
  • Broaden opportunities for YPs to contribute to strategic ARD policy debates
  • To promote agriculture among young people (activities still under discussion)
  • Facilitate access to resources and capacity building opportunities

Learn more about what YPARD do here.

Official Website