Mixed Herb Salad with Borage

La Salade de Plusieurs Herbes

Adapted from a 16th century French translation of a book originally written in Latin in 1474.


  • 2 heads lettuce
  • 1 handful young, tender borage leaves
  • 1 handful chopped fresh mint leaves
  • 1 handful fresh lemon-balm leaves
  • 1 handful tender fennel shoots and flowers
  • 1 handful fresh chervil leaves
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
  • 1 tablespoon oregano or marjoram flowers and leaves
  • salt
  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons wine vinegar


  • Wash the lettuce and herbs well, dry them and place them in a large dish.
  • Sprinkle with salt, add the oil and finally the vinegar.
  • Let the salad stand a while before serving.
  • Eat the salad heartily, crunching and chewing well.
  • To serve 6

Plus some tips for you:

1. Borage and cucumber is a match made in heaven.
2. To flavour a glass of tomato juice or cocktail add 1 tablespoon minced young borage leaves.
3. Add borage leaves and flowers to hot or iced tea or lemonade.
4. Fill ice block trays with cold water, place a flower in each compartment, freeze, and use these ice cubes to cool down the beverages.
5. Add borage flowers to herbal vinegar as a dye and for a slight cucumber flavour.
6. Add 1 tbsp young freshly chopped leaves to every 4 cups beet, cabbage, green pea or spinach soup.
7. Add a small amount of young finely chopped borage leaves to any green salad.
8. Borage is especially good with beans, green peas and spinach.
