The e-MFP Rural Outreach and Innovation (ROI) Action Group brings together multilateral organizations, donors, researchers, practitioners and investors involved in rural microfinance willing to address the challenge of providing adequate financial services to the estimated 500 million smallholder farmers in developing countries.
Since its creation in 2008, the ROI Action Group has been very active and a lively working dynamic has flourished between its members. They have focused on several issues such as value chain finance (2009–2010), member based organizations, MBOs, (2011–2012), and loose or non-integrated value chains finance (2013) with the objective of promoting and supporting rural households innovative funding.
Action Group publication:
How do microfinance member based organizations successfully serve rural areas?
Brief No.3 (in English, French and Spanish)
The Role of Governance and Strategic Alliances
prepared by A. Perilleux, A. Vanroose and F. Bédécarrat in collaboration with the e-MFP rural Outreach & innovation Action Group
October 2012