Golden Rules:
Oregano Hazelnut Pesto recipe
15 hazelnuts
1 big bunch fresh oregano
3 large garlic cloves, chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
3 tbsp nutritional yeast
Lemon juice (optional)
Salt and pepper to taste
Galinsoga (French Weed) with Avocado Dip recipe
20g galinsoga
1 tsp lemon juice
2 tsp water
2 tsp olive oil
1 pinch of salt
1/2 Ripe avocado
Vegan Mayonnaise with Wood Sorrel recipe
75ml soy cream
1 small handful of wood sorrel
40g white almond
1 tsp mustard
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 pinch of salt
8 tbsp sunflower oil